Our Team

(estd. 2013) Olin Aero is a completely student run team at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering constructing aerial vehicles to compete in the AUVSI SUAS Competition.

As Olin College of Engineering's AERO team, we design, build and fly unmanned aerial vehicles. We are a student run organization consisting of 18 undergraduates just entering its second year of activity. Our goal is to participate in the Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition this year with a unique fixed wing aerial vehicle. To successfully complete the mission, our plane must take off autonomously, locate a waypoint, and end in the landing zone without breaching the no-fly zone limitations. Bonus points we’re aiming for include autonomous landing, successful payload drops, clipping balloons, and passing under a wicket.

Olin Aero's Team Leaders

Team Captain
John Doe

Dakota Nelson

Dakota's interests range from computer security to robotics to space - he read too much science fiction as a kid. He writes software in his free time, and loves watching planes fly themselves. Check out his website at dakotanelson.com

John Doe

Griffin Tschurwald

Griffin is a software engineer who is passionate about designing great products. He also enjoys helping airplanes fly on their own. You can read more about him at his website.

Mechanical Design and Fabrication
Jane Helf

Duncan Michael

Duncan Enjoys planes

Joshua Insanus

Dimitar Dimitrov

He likes things that go sparky

Stuff We're Working On

We've got some awesome flying vehicles in the works.

We've actually got a lot of projects currently in the works, but we'll focus on some main ones here.


Currently we're working on using an Ardupilot board to make our airplanes fly


We just bought some more bixler planes to test our autopilot platform! We're also working on a 3d printed mount to hold all of our electronics that will be interchangeable between all of our Bixler planes, in case one or two break.

Some Projects

ArduoPilot 80%
Long Range Radio Communication 25%
UX/UI 33%
Branding 100%

"Olin Aero convinced me that my dreams can take flight!" - Dimitar Dimitrov

Things we have done

Take a look at some projects we've completed!

Olin Aero's only been around a few short years, but in that time we've done some cool stuff. From computer vision to laying carbon fiber, Aero's members get hands on experience with real UAVs.

What we do

Take a look at some of our projects and stuff

Why Join Aero??

  • Build sweet stuff
  • Make new friends
  • Learn some new things
  • Have fun

Carbon Fiber

Olin Aero is expermenting with all sorts of materials to build the strongest, lightest planes possible.

Computer VIsion

Skynet is alive

Gas powered craft

Griffin is working on it!

Get in Touch

We're always looking for new sponsors for the team. Also, we'd love to chat about anything Aero related.

Just fill out your information below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact Details